Who are we?

Management Collective was created for two reasons; the first is that most management consultants in Canada are independent (85%), people who are focused on delivering high quality work in their area of expertise.  They are highly skilled and experienced but they don’t have the human resources and support that larger consulting firms do.  Management Collective provides a home where they can continue their great work but we provide them with a team of colleagues who they can collaborate with on their projects and bring in additional skill sets when their clients need bigger projects completed.  Secondly, Management Collective is focused on helping organizations and companies that would fall under the Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) category as opposed to larger firms that concentrate only on the largest companies in Canada. Oh, by the way, 98% of businesses in Canada are SME’s!


We solve the business problems that keep you from meeting your objectives

Like a good leader, Management Collective removes the barriers to success that you or your team live each day.  These challenges vary greatly from one organization to another but based on our experience and research, there are some common challenges that we often see.  These include:

  • Strategic planning processes and outcomes
  • Sales and revenue challenges
  • Operating capacity issues
  • Suboptimal customer experience 
  • Employee dis-engagement
  • Product / service development problems
  • Lack of innovation
  • Change management limitations
  • Inefficient organizational structures
  • Team leadership and interaction problems

Our experience makes us cutting edge problem solvers

Leaders like you are very aware that a problem exists but frequently you don’t have the in house experience, skills, or just time to focus on resolving them.  This is where we can add value to your organization.  We have experienced these problems before and know how to help you resolve them.  

Our process to do this is simple:

  • First, let’s have a 30 minute, free and no obligation discussion.  Our team can ask a few questions to get a sense of the challenges you are facing and provide some insights as to how we may be able to assist.  Remember, you are not the first organization to have these issues and you won’t be the last.  There are very few (if any) organizations that don’t face these same challenges.
  • We will work with you to clearly define what the challenge is that you are seeing and make sure we understand what you want as an outcome once the challenge is addressed.
  • We will design a statement of work that outlines how we will go about addressing the challenges to achieve your desired objectives.
  • Once we agree on the activities we will draft a workplan that documents how we will do this so you can see the progress as we proceed with planning and or execution to address the issues. 
  • We will make sure we have the right skills and experience to meet the challenges that you have!

Contact Us

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation!